Discover the Selezione Duo from South Tyrol. Alps Coffee Selezione Espresso Classico and Intenso combine modern style with traditional coffee enjoyment.
Kaffeebohnen mit einer kleinen Schüppe Kaffeebohnen mit einer kleinen Schüppe
Nord Coast Coffee Roastery Logo Nord Coast Coffee Roastery Logo


We look in vain for the Nordic cool and reserved disposition that the people of Hamburg are said to have at Nord Coast Coffee Roastery. Quite the opposite, the two cafés in Eppendorf and on Deichstraße, right in downtown Hamburg, invite you to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee with a rustic modern warmth. Freshly roasted on site in a small roaster, the coffee beans are transformed into exquisite coffee specialties. There is always a heavenly aroma of fresh coffee beans in the air, which makes your mouth water.


At Noard Coast Coffee Roastery, each type of coffee receives its individual treatment and, above all, its exclusive roasting process. Only in this way can the individual taste experience of each coffee be created. In the in-house roasting facility in the heart of Hamburg, this special handling is possible without any problems.
Zwei Personen stehen vor Filterkaffeemaschinen. Frau gießt heißes Wasser in linken Filter Zwei Personen stehen vor Filterkaffeemaschinen. Frau gießt heißes Wasser in linken Filter
Mehrere Tassen aufgereiht auf Tisch.  Heißes Wasser wird in eine Tasse gegossen Mehrere Tassen aufgereiht auf Tisch.  Heißes Wasser wird in eine Tasse gegossen

But the basis of a good coffee is of course the bean. The nature of the soil, the climate and the place where the bean was located can be tasted at Nord Coast Coffee Roastery from the individual aroma. These are specialty blends because the roastery knows exactly which bean came from which farmer. The coffee beans are picked by hand, washed and then prepared. This is the only way to guarantee the quality standard.


Some blends created at the roastery have a special focus on sustainability and fairness throughout the process: from the cultivation to the coffee in the cup. The COMSA BIO and the PORTO BLEND BIO blends are grown under strict organic guidelines and then processed, so they even carry the Fairtrade seal. With every purchase of a Nord Coast Coffee Roastery coffee, 50 cents per kilo is donated to social projects in the countries of origin of the coffee beans. Nordic cool and reserved is therefore no one at Nord Coast Coffee Roastery, rather a down-to-earth cordiality surrounds you. See for yourself when you visit us in Hamburg!

Café von innen Café von innen