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Discover the Selezione Duo from South Tyrol. Alps Coffee Selezione Espresso Classico and Intenso combine modern style with traditional coffee enjoyment.
Kaffeebohnen mit einer kleinen Schüppe Kaffeebohnen mit einer kleinen Schüppe
Ambient&Spresso Logo Ambient&Spresso Logo


Coffee has been drunk in Naples since childhood. Antonio Nurri, founder of Ambient&spresso, grew up in the coastal city at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, and like any Italian boy, his day started with a caffè latte. That's not the only reason Naples has one of the highest coffee consumption rates in Italy. Espresso is a big part of the city's culture and social life. "Let's have an espresso" is the typical phrase in everyday life in Naples, whether in the morning or in the evening.


Antonio Nurri's passion for the Italian national drink, espresso, however, went beyond just drinking it. In his job as an export manager for coffee and coffee machines, he spent years traveling through many countries around the world, discovering new and fascinating flavors of coffee.

Mann im Anzug steht vor Kaffeemaschine Mann im Anzug steht vor Kaffeemaschine
Espresso läuft aus Siebträger in Tasse Espresso läuft aus Siebträger in Tasse

He has been bringing this wealth of experience to his own roastery for several years now and lets you share in this wealth of experience with his distinctive blends. With his roasting company Ambient&spresso, the master roaster has made it his mission to break new innovative ground and contribute to the Italian espresso tradition. In addition, the company offers teachings for brand development and the establishment of cafés and roasteries.


Mr. Nurri is undoubtedly a tinkerer through and through, trying to get the best out of the roasted bean - starting with the composition of the green coffee and ending with the roasting process. In order to achieve the perfect coffee, Mr. Nurri also designs innovative coffee machines that, with the most varied water pressure profiles, ensure that an incomparable espresso is conjured up in the cup. A very strong CAFFÈ NAPOLETANO as well as a rather mild CREMA D'ARABIA belong to the excellent coffee blends of Ambient&spresso. Taste your way through the assortment and dive into the delicious world of Ambient&spresso!

Vier Personen Vier Personen
Produkttest Ambient&spresso Caffè Napoletano Produkttest Ambient&spresso Caffè Napoletano

Dark roast of first class quality!
A real Robusta crema,
chocolaty from start to finish.